Definition of Ticket States

Sep 9, 2022


Peter Warner-Medley, Ester Ramos Carmona, Morgan Sadr-Hashemi, Ivan Spirkovski, Ollie Randall

#doc #process

Technical Story: PT-152

Context and Problem Statement

There's an occasional lack of clarity about where a ticket is and if we've really met the goal. Sometimes we're unsure if a ticket we're working on lives in In Review if it's been reviewed and we're making changes; other times we can be a bit cheeky about whether or not we've got our green apple. We should introduce a definition of the various ticket states after To Do (In Progress -> In Review -> Done) to ensure a clear, shared mental model.

Decision Drivers

  • 66⅔% increase in engineering team on Monday
  • Increasing frequency of question: "Yeah, but is it done done?"

Considered Options

  • No Definition of Done
  • Definition of Done with strict design review
  • Definition of Done with permissive/optimistic design review

Decision Outcome

Chosen option: "Definition of Done with permissive/optimistic design/data review", because it fits well with the stage we're at with our product (getting big enough not to cowboy but healthy appetite for regression) and emphasises good judgement in a high trust team whilst providing a clear process for acting on those judgements.

Positive Consequences

  • Clarity around process making it easier to onboard engineers
  • Consistent expectations between us all about when to move ticket to Done
  • Checking of outcomes on finishing work to increase confidence on working product
  • Minimal friction added to process by only require light touch checks

Negative Consequences

  • Doesn't fit current Linear workflow neatly (Tickets -> Done on well named branch PR merge)
  • Light touch allows drift in design, layout and data integrity over time
  • Adds small amount of friction (vs. merge = done) to finishing tickets

Pros and Cons of the Options

No Definition of Done

We continue without any agreed criteria for moving a ticket to done and rely on general good practice and discipline.

  • Good, because lowest friction of all the options
  • Good, because no change required
  • Bad, because unlikely to scale well and our discipline may not be enough as the app becomes more complex and design becomes more important

Definition of Done with strict design/data review

Done means:

  1. No linting regressions
  2. Automated testing on all new functionality
    1. Unit tests to cover simple transformations/UI logic/etc.
    2. Integration/E2E tests to cover introduction/update of data model (e.g. changing of resolver or new nested object type on type)
  3. Peer reviewed
  4. All code merged
  5. Deployed and in production
  6. Full acceptance testing:
    1. Ollie Randall/designer reviews all affected Storybooks and/or user stories in a preview environment
    2. Ester Ramos Carmona/affected users reviewed data integrity of all affected tables/pipelines

We also add a definition of In Review as:

"Needs input or decision from someone else (not assigned ticket)" (i.e. a synonym for Parked or Waiting)

and In Progress as:

"Needs work from ticket assignee"

  • Good, because extremely high confidence in product
  • Good, because maximum level of consultation
  • Bad, because very high friction
  • Bad, because unnecessary level of process (not DoDoI):
    • e.g. Ollie Randall sees no need to check these things and recognises most design will get binned anyway
  • Bad, because introduces change to current process
  • Bad, because doesn't fit current Linear workflow

Definition of Done with permissive/optimistic design review

As above but with much more flexibility around acceptance testing. Done means:

  1. No linting regressions
  2. Automated testing on all new functionality
    1. Unit tests to cover simple transformations/UI logic/etc.
    2. Integration/E2E tests to cover introduction/update of data model (e.g. changing of resolver or new nested object type on type)
  3. Peer reviewed
  4. All code merged
  5. Deployed and in production
  6. Appropriate testing of deployed code:
    1. Acceptance testing when introduction of substantial change (e.g. whole new data source/new screen in UI/etc.)
    2. 'Smoke' testing by engineer otherwise (e.g. peer review on storybooks and assignee attempts to complete full user story from ticket using production app)

Other definitions included as above:

"Needs input or decision from someone else (not assigned ticket)" (In Review)

"Needs work from ticket assignee" (In Progress)

  • Good, because trade off of increasing confidence and friction
  • Good, because introduces consistent mental model
  • Good, because evolvable without new decision
  • Good, because emphasises trust in team while giving framework for best practice
  • Bad, because does not capture data engineering experience well (one person team can't really get 'peer' review and acceptance testing very unclear)
  • Bad, because quite vague on when acceptance testing required
  • Bad, because (due to above) relies on engineer judgement on when to refer for acceptance testing (but we are a high trust team)
  • Bad, because introduces change to current process
  • Bad, because doesn't fit current Linear workflow
  • [Will add link to DoD in Notion here](link to adr)